Example: Detailed Catalysis Model

The following example shows how to build a project in which the detailed microkinetic of an heterogeneous catalytic reactor is considered by including adsorption and desorption of compounds over the catalyst surface. Also, the equivalent formulation using LHHW kinetics is developed.

Detailed Catalysis Model for Surface reaction

Consider a catalytic reactor in which the gaseous reactive A is firstly adsorbed on the catalyst surface, represented by reaction R1:
Where S represent the free catalyst surface, and AS is the adsorbed A on the catalyst surface.
When Partial Pressure was defined as the Concentration in the Units Configuration node, the net rate of reaction R1 is given by:
Where PA is the partial pressure of A in the gas phase, and represent the free surface fraction and the surface fraction occupied by the adsorbed compound A, respectively; and k1F and k1R are the forward and reverse kinetic constants.

The reaction that takes place in the surface is given by the R2 reaction:
For which the net reaction rate is given by:
Finally, the adsorbed product B is desorbed from the catalyst surface, as represented by reaction R3:
The previous reaction net rate is given by:
where represents the catalyst surface fraction occupied by the adsorbed compound B, and PB is the partial pressure of the product.

To implement this model in REX, you have to use the Enable Special Models → Detailed Catalyst Model action available in the right click menu of the Chemistry node:

After that, the Catalysts child node is shown in the Chemistry tree.

Now we define Catalyst Mass as the Rate Basis in the Units Configuration node . Also, Partial Pressure is chosen as the Concentration option.

Next we enter all species involved in the Compounds node: for the example, A and B compounds, plus the catalyst S and the adsorbed species A-S and B-S. After entering the compounds, you can select S as the Catalyst, and the adsorbed species on the catalyst surface as Catalyst Complex in the Catalysts node:

By doing the previous, REX takes into account the surface fractions when defining the rate orders in the Parameters node, if i was defined as either Catalyst or Catalyst Complex.
Also, the sum of the surface fractions equal to 1 is imposed: for this example, that constraint is represented by:

In the Reactions node, the three reactions described above are entered:

In the Kinetics node the forward directions must be included for all the reactions, together with the reverse direction for both adsorption and desorption reactions. The Initialize Orders action is performed in the Parameters node, and the rate constant values considered for this example are the following:

From the folder Optience Corporation\REX Suite\Examples you can import the Detailed_Catalyst_Example.rex file, in which a PFR reactor has been considered and simulation results are included.

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LHHW Equivalent project

The previous reaction system can alternatively be modeled by using the LHHW kinetics.
In order to convert the numerical values from the previous Detailed Catalysis project, the pseudo steady state hypothesis is posed for the catalyst complexes, thus the net rate for each of them is set to zero:

From the previous equations it can be obtained:

Replacing into rR2:

After replacing and into the sum of all fractions equal to one, solving for and replacing into the last equation it is obtained:

You can then build a project using LHHW kinetics and loading the parameters obtained by converting the ones used in the Detailed Catalysis Model. The Kinetics - LHHW Case example could help you in order to define the site for the LHHW project.
Also, you can import from the Optience Corporation\Rex Suite\Examples folder the Equivalent_LHHW_Example.rex file, in which the LHHW-equivalent model was built.
You can compare it to the Detailed_Catalyst_Example.rex example.

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